What is the Draw it Out School Tour

Are you concerned about the impact of technology on your child’s development? Our school tour offers a unique opportunity to balance screen time with creative expression and physical activity.

Through engaging workshops and hands-on sessions, we help children reconnect with their creativity and build essential life skills.

Sign up today and take the first step toward a healthier, more balanced approach to technology and learning.

Each school's visit entail a wide number of activities. These include:

1. Motivational Talk - The power of art in a digital age; balancing impact.

2. Art Gallery - Exhibition

3. Art Museum - Tour

4. Art Studio - Paint and Sip Session

Students will be given a guided tour of the gallery and participate in an art making session.

Sign Up Now!

Benefits to School

Students will:

  • Participate in a DRAW IT OUT session where they will be coached and given an opportunity to express themselves by drawing out their pain and anxiety.
  • Learn how art can serve as a therapeutic outlet for managing emotions and stress contributing to better mental health.
  • Get exposure to a variety of art and craft. They will learn about the various types of arts and Jamaican Artists.
  • Discover potential career paths that combine art and technology, expanding their understanding of future opportunities.
  • View and learn about Jamaica though artifacts and stories.
  • Develop creative thinking and problem solving abilities by exploring the integration of art and technology.

Teachers will:

  • Get practical strategies on how to balance art and ICT integration.
  • Gain insights on how to use art and technology in every day learning.
  • Inspirations for creative lesson plans
  • Strategies for addressing digital age challenges
  • Tools for leveraging Art's therapeutic benefits

Contact Us Directly
  • Select a Date

    Request a quote for your school visit providing us with the number of students to participate.

  • Finalize Your Arragements

    Facilitate a site visit and confirm the logistics of your day. Make deposit.

  • Enjoy Your Tour

    Have your students and teachers prepared for the day! Enjoy

A Word from your Facilitator

This tour allows me to blend my two passions: art and technology.

As we navigate the balance between technology and daily life, it's essential to carve out space for tactile and hands-on creative expression.

After completing my Master's in Information Technology in 2005, I reintroduced art into my life and decided to become a professional artist.

For the next 15 years, I pursued art as a second profession before transitioning to full-time entrepreneurship.

For nearly two decades, I have integrated these two fields:

  • Using creativity to find solutions to business problems.
  • Using technology to enhance my art-making process and exhibitions.
  • Teaching others how to harness the therapeutic power of art to cope with life.

This school tour will address the challenges posed by technology in the digital age and offer solutions through art. It will emphasize the significance of creativity in achieving success and explore the real-world possibilities art offers.

Additionally, it will discuss how to achieve a balanced approach, fostering well-rounded personal development.

I am truly excited for this tour, can't wait to see you!

Book me to Speak


To become a sponsor, Please contact: 874-410-5136