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Artist: Shawn Ashman

Awake and Alive 3

Awake and Alive 3

Regular price $130.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $130.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Come Forth ---

"Awake and Alive" is a stunning mixed media collection that showcases the creative use of recycled materials, acrylics, and ink by Shawn Ashman, Jamaican Artist. The collection features an eclectic mix of textures, colors, and patterns that come together to form a cohesive and visually striking set of pieces.

The recycled materials used in the collection add an interesting dimension to the artwork, with each piece having a unique history and story to tell. The use of acrylics and ink further enhances the visual impact of the artwork, with bold, vibrant colors and intricate designs that draw the viewer in.

The collection as a whole has a deep, introspective quality, with each piece exploring different themes and emotions. From the vibrant and energetic to the more muted and contemplative, "Awake and Alive" is a thought-provoking and immersive collection that invites the viewer to delve deeper into the meaning behind each piece.


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